About me

My name is Sarah Julia Kriesch and I am 37 years old. I have got a German education in information technology. Before studying, I worked as a Linux System Administrator and DevOps Engineer in the internet area. I am graduated by the Nuremberg Institute of Technology. I have got 10 years of work experience in monitoring, automation, BigData and Cloud Computing.

I am currently studying Business Informatics in part-time at the University of Bamberg. I am educating Students in Linux with workshops, too. Additionally, I was an elected Student Representative in the Senate and University Council. I have written my Bachelor Thesis at IBM.

It isn’t difficult to figure out my hobbies. 🙂


In my free time, I am a contributor to openSUSE. You can find me on fachinformatiker.de, openSUSE forums, the openSUSE wiki and their mailing list, as an Advocate at German Open Source events, in the German openSUSE translation team, the openSUSE heroes team, the German Unix User Group and some conferences. If I would have some other time, I make music. I am a alumnus of „Die Jungen Fürther Streichhölzer“. That’s an orchestra for youth people.


Enjoy my blog!